
Adding vectors sequentially

You might want to add vectors one by one. There are two ways to achieve that.

The first option is simply calling rii.Rii.add_configure() everytime.

# Suppose X is a set of vectors (np.ndarray with the shape (N, D))
e = rii.Rii(fine_quantizer=codec)
for x in X:
    e.add_configure(vecs=x.reshape(1, -1))  # Don't forget reshaping (D, ) to (1, D)

This works perfectly. But this would take time if you would like to add many vectors by this way. It is because the rii.Rii.reconfigure() function is called (inside rii.Rii.add_configure()) whenever a new vector x is added. The reconfiguration step creates postings list from scratch, that does not need to be run for every addition.

Alternatively, you can call rii.Rii.add() for each x without updating the posting lists, and run rii.Rii.reconfigure() finally.

e = rii.Rii(fine_quantizer=codec)
for x in X:
    e.add(vecs=x.reshape(1, -1))  # Don't forget reshaping (D, ) to (1, D)

This is much faster. The final results from both ways are identical. Please remember that you must call rii.Rii.reconfigure() in the final step to create posting lists.

Note that, if you receive your data in a batch way, that can be handled in the same manner:

# X1 is a set of vectors (batch). Xs is a set of batches.
# You might receive Xs as a generator/iterator
# because the whole Xs is too large to read on memory at once
Xs = [X1, X2, X3]

# Running "add_configure" everytime
e1 = rii.Rii(fine_quantizer=codec)
for X in Xs:

# Or, you can run "add" for each batch, and finally run "reconfigure"
e2 = rii.Rii(fine_quantizer=codec)
for X in Xs:

Verbose flag

You can turn on/off the verbose flag via e.verbose = True or e.verbose = False. The default value is decided by the verbose flag of the codec.


The version of the package can be checked via rii.__version__.